
The procedure of facelift is often combined with other facial rejuvenation procedures such as necklift, browlift, blepharoplasty (eyelid lift) and rhinoplasty (nose reshaping).

The aim is to reverse the anatomic effects of ageing on the face by repositioning the skin, fat and the underlying facial supports (the SMAS). Differential ageing occurs as a result of genetic influence, effects of sun exposure and gravity working on the looser parts of the face. In some people, these three factors create excessive skin and fat bulges around the eyes, cheek and jawline. In time, much of the volume that was once suspended in the upper portion of the face descends and gives the face a heavy and sad look.

Professor Deva employs a variety of techniques for facelifting including short scar techniques that avoid an incision into the hairline. Much of the work is performed under the skin to reposition and retighten the ligaments and muscles that give the face its shape and structure. Whilst loose skin is removed, it is important not to be too excessive as this will give an overtightened and unnatural result.

Necklifting addresses the loosening of skin, muscle and fat that obscure the natural lines that separate the chin from the neck. In this procedure, a separate incision is made under the chin and a combination of liposuction and suturing of the muscle under the neck (platysmaplasty) is performed to restore a youthful contour. Excessive skin is removed via incisions both in front of and behind the ear.

As every face is unique, Professor Deva, believes in a detailed assessment to ascertain the correct combination of procedures to give you the best result.


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