
Professor Deva has a keen interest in facial form and facial aesthetics and rhinoplasty is one of the commonest procedures performed in his practice.

Additionally, he draws on his extensive experience in the treatment of serious facial injuries and secondary craniofacial reconstruction to provide a wider perspective and skill on reshaping the nose.

Rhinoplasty has important cosmetic and functional components. The nose has to be in harmony with the rest of the face. At your initial consultation, Professor Deva will perform a detailed assessment of your nose including forward and lateral projection, tip position and shape, nasal width and document any evidence of external or internal deviation. An internal examination will also allow assessment of the airway and its patency. He will then discuss his approach utilising his extensive portfolio of cases to demonstrate the likely outcome of your surgery. It is important, however, to individualise your result as all faces and noses are different.

There are two approaches to rhinoplasty – an open procedure which places an external scar on the undersurface of the nasal base (where upper lip joins the central nasal base) and a closed technique which utilises internal incisions. Anand will discuss which approach would be best for you and why. Recovery from rhinoplasty usually takes around 2-3 weeks but it is important to avoid any potential contact sport for a period of 6 weeks to avoid displacing the newly shaped nasal bones and cartilage.

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